AYAC is a RYA Recognised Training Centre.
Our PB Courses tend to utilize Littlehampton harbour as a base taking advantage of the strong currents and availability of the many scenarios that are present in the harbour itself. In addition we also take advantage, when conditions permit, of the wide open sea on our doorstep.
Powerboating and SafetyBoat
The RYA National Powerboat Scheme exists to meet the needs of those who use small, open powerboats for leisure or work, whether for their own sake or in connection with another activity such as sailing or rescue. Powerboating at AYAC is primarily aimed at introducing our parents and volunteers to the world of small RIB driving to enhance our pool of safety boat drivers so critical to our operations on the water.
After gaining your PB2, a year later, you can take the RYA Safety Boat Course. This is a more concentrated course, focusing on close maneuvering, and rescue work for dinghies, canoes, and other water users.

The Centre provides both Level 1 and 2 and safety boat courses, the syllabus aims to provide a level of training to suit all from the casual leisure user, to weekend cruisers and the commercial skipper.
The Lvl 2 course provides the skills and background knowledge needed by the competent powerboat driver and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence.
The Safety Boat course is for those who use powerboats to provide support and safety cover for all water sports such as sailing, windsurfing and canoeing. It includes rescue techniques and elements of race management and mark laying.
First Aid
We are recognised to run the RYA 1st Aid course in which we encourage all our safety boat crews and many of our volunteer parents to participate.