Latest Covid Info

25th May 2021


It has been and will continue to be the policy of Arun Youth Aqua Centre to follow Government guidance for limiting the number of interactions between members using the Centre. The current UK Government road map out of the existing restrictions have been interpreted by the RYA as the following table:-

Starting date No earlier than 12th April No earlier than 17th May No earlier than 21 June
Activity organised by an RYA affiliated club/class assoc.

Activity not organised by an RYA affiliated club/class assoc.

Shore-side club activity (inc spectators)

Sailing events

Outdoor facilities

Publicly accessible slipways

Changing rooms

Boating activity permitted

Mixed household guidance for sailing and racing applies

Rule of 6 or 2 households outdoors

Rule of 6 or 2 households outdoors

Permitted. Participation may be impacted by travel rules



Changing rooms permitted to open

Outdoors rule of 6 or 2 households

Boating activity permitted

Mixed household guidance for sailing and racing appliesRule of 6 or 2 households indoors.

Maximum of 30 people outdoors

Rule of 6 or 2 households indoors.

Maximum of 30 people outdoors

All national open events permitted




Indoor hospitality permitted (rule of 6

Mixed household guidance no longer applies

No legal limits

No legal limits

All national open events permitted




Fully open

Failure to follow the Guidance will remove the ability of the person/s to use the Centre and its equipment during the Covid restrictions. The guidance aims to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably possible but cannot remove it 100%.

This means the Centre is now available to members to exercise through water-based activities, including

  • Sailing 
  • Paddle-boarding  
  • Canoeing/kayaking
  • Swimming.

Before you visit the Centre Please Remember

  • Do not visit the Centre if you, or any member of your family, are exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms or are required to isolate by the TEST TRACK and TRACE Process
  • You may only travel to the Centre with members of your own isolating family bubble
    If you require a buoyancy aid, you may select a Centre one on your first visit and then retain until such time as the conditions ease. This will be logged in order we retain knowledge of who has what!
  • PPE such as face-masks, visors, thin gloves are impracticable in a marine environment, and, provided social distancing is observed, unnecessary
  • The Centre and its facilities are only open subject to strict access conditions

Accessing Centre Facilities

The current Government guidance is that we should only gather outdoors in a group of up to six people from different households, whilst following social distancing guidelines. However, the updated Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) No 2 Regulations make it clear that this only applies whilst onshore, on one vessel or within a private dwelling. Therefore, whilst a club is being guided to keep activity onshore to groups of 6 or less (from different households) where possible, a club is permitted by law to organise activity for an unlimited number of boats afloat as long as it can restrict ‘gatherings’ on land to less than 30 within communal areas such as boat parks. The Centre has interpreted this as follows:-

  • Access to the Centre is via the West gate, from the car park, at the start of every session. Unless access is required from the beach, the East gate may be used. Exit from the Centre and access to the beach is via the East gate.
  • Safe distancing needs to be attended to outside the compound, as well as inside.  Groups of no more than 6 people from different households may congregate together
  • A combination of single handers and double handers with the maximum of two people to each dinghy meaning max. of 30 people in compound at any one time. (Double handers MUST be capable of being rigged and de-rigged by the Helm and Crew only or a member of the family bubble)
  • From May 17th the changing rooms may be accessed for changing. Because the entrance and exit to the changing rooms are common we will, until all restrictions are lifted, limit the number in the changing room to 4 people. It is suggested that the changing facilities are only used to change from wet gear to dry after the end of the session and all sailors arrive ready changed.
  • Access to the Bosun’s store and meeting room will remain limited to one person in the Bosun’s store and after the 17th May a maximum of 6, until then only one in the meeting room.
  • The Safety boat building may be accessed by up to three people at the same time PROVIDED Social distancing is maintained, after May 17th that will be increased to 6.
  • The Toilets are single use only, ensure you clean all surfaces with the wipes provided in the toilet, including the entrance and exit handles and dispose of the wipe/s in the main refuse bin outside the main building. At the end of each Sailing Session the toilets must have all horizontal and contact surfaces cleaned.

Accessing Centre Boats

  • Go directly to your allocated boat, avoid touching any other boat other than your dinghy
  • Keep at least 1+ metre from any other person not in your family bubble.
  • Be observant of other members who may be wishing to access their boat

Accessing the Water from the Centre

  • Be considerate to and mindful of your impact on other water users, especially rescue services. You must be mindful that any rescue puts you and potential rescuers at increased risk of infection.
  • Safety cover will be maintained at all times whilst the Centre sessions are in progress.
  • Wait until the beach is clear before launching
  • Do not touch other boats or launching trollies other than the one you are using
  • The 1+ metre restriction still applies on the water

Returning to the Centre

  • Wait until you are able to land a minimum of 1+ M from other users of the beach 
  • If you may require assistance recovering you boat, may only have another person from your family bubble assisting, so THINK BEFORE YOU LAUNCH
  • Only use the designated hose to wash your boat

Leaving the Centre

  • Leave the Centre as quickly as you can from the West gate